Whats happening in 2021?
Term 1
FREE OPEN DAYS January 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th
Term 1 commences February 1st 2021
Special term one project begins
Competition Troupe commence choreography week 3
Viewing Week
Term 1 project revealed
Easter Long Weekend
Easter Holidays Industry Professionals Workshop
Easter Holidays Tiny Fun Day
Term 2 fees due
Term 2
Term 2 commences April 19th 2021
Students must be signed up for all relevant classes by week 5 to participate in that classes concert routines
Troupe & Solo Competitions
End of Year Concert Theme Revealed
Viewing Week
Term 2 ends June 25th 2021
Term 3 fees due
Winter Workshops
Additional Exam Practice
Term 3
Term 3 commences July 12th
Troupe & Solo Competitions
Ballet & Tap Exams
Term 3 ends September 17th
Term 4 fees due
term 4
Term 4 commences October 4th
Sara Jane Studios does Halloween
Additional Concert Rehearsals
Photoshoot Weekend
End of year concert
End of year party